Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wrap up

Sad to have come to the end so soon. I have really enjoyed the course. We have covered a lot and I guess it will be interesting to see what I continue to use regularly. Time is always an issue. I will miss my blog. Bloglines has been useful and I have found some interesting items to bring to team meetings. Winning points on professional development.

I would love to see our Library use Myspace or similar but I'm not sure Council would approve the idea. Management would have to prove its usefulness. We often have trouble getting approval to promote our selves through print media I'm not sure their ready for Myspace. We might have more success with blogs and wikis. I was impressed by what some libraries are doing and hope we can participate in using these web based technologies in the not to distant future. We are currently looking for an new IT person. Fingers crossed the new appointee is pro change and can push us in the right direction.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Online applications

This was probably one of the most useful weeks work wise in the course. Loved the idea of Google Docs and can see heaps of work uses, rewriting procedures, meeting agendas, planning for promotions and many more.

Had a few IT problems with Slideshare but I think we worked through them. It is great to have in house IT support. This is not so easy for our branch locations and I know branch staff are having problems with access restrictions.

Had a bit of fun creating a Google Doc. I think students working on group projects would love Google Docs. No more losing their memory sticks or problems with compatiblity. If the teacher had access they could give on going help and advice.

Online appliactions will make sharing information so much easier.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Busy this week so I have not had as much time to play with this as I would have liked. Google maps is great. I added some places. Might look into adding links to our locations on our web site so people can find us.

Had a play with Big huge labs. This was fun. Might be good for displays and promotional material. I'm sure clients would love it.