Monday, February 25, 2008

My first blog

I did not think really think much of blogs before starting this program. I thought it was just something children did. Now after learning more about them I can see they might be useful.
In a Library setting I can see many uses. We could setup a Book Club blog. We have four book clubs going with about eight people in each, each group reading a different book. They could blog about what they have read if they can't get to a meeting. We could let them know about author nights. We have youth and children's programs these could have their own blogs. Why not a staff blog to discuss work issuse. It is endless once you start thinking about it.
I am looking forward to the program. If blogs have got me thinking this much I can't wait to find out what else is in the program. Our workplace has encouraged all staff to do this course. It is great that they support us in learing new skills. I am sure the skills we learn will be of benefit both to the workplace and outside of work.

Looking forward to the next step

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