Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Yes I'll admit it. I use Wikipedia to answer information requests. Sometime people just want a short easy to understand answer. Wikipedia fills this need and sometimes is a good starting point to further research.

At work we use the wiki and find it a useful source. I find the idea of adopting an intranet based wiki for procedure manuals a good one. We have our procedures on our intranet and are currently reviewing them. With only a limited number of staff being able to add or remove items it can be frustrating getting your procedures up. A wiki may make the process easier.

I liked the Book Lovers Wiki. Maybe we could investigate doing something along those lines at work.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

How are you going with your RSS feeds now? Remember, they are meant to make keeping up to date faster, easier and more fun, so be ruthless!

And good idea for a wiki too.
